All Eyes On You

motion-driven interactive transmedia installations


From the Gods Eye to Big Brother to enlightenment - the rich symbolism of the eye has ever been with us since the beginning of humanity.


How do you feel with all eyes on you? Step in front of the all seeing tribunal eyes of social media and let them gauge you. The original exhibition of All Eyes On You took place at Reactor de creație și experiment. Projected in the restroom corridor,
the eyes stared at you as you exited the bathroom stalls.

exhibit B - Dissipating Views

Disorder is necessary for order, decay is needed for renewal, decline is a precursor to growth, and change is needed for renewed stability - the notions of complexity theory are needed more than ever in times of change.

Exhibit C - The Witness

Do you believe in god or karma? Or is it you, who is judging every action that you take and every decision that you make?

Exhibition Walkthrough

All Eyes On You series exhibited at Centrul De Interes in Cluj-Napoca.